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  • Pro Tip: Use SkyGolf’s SkyTrak to Create a Quality Golf Practice

    Updated: Dec 07, 2020
    Pro Tip Create a Structured Practice with Skytrak

    Professional golfers always stress quality practice over quantity, and using SkyGolf’s SkyTrak launch monitor can help you achieve just that. Aimlessly beating balls can be a fun stress reliever, but if you want to dial in your irons and gain distance off the tee, a golf launch monitor will come in clutch.

    SkyGolf SkyTrak Launch Monitor

    SkyGolf SkyTrak Launch Monitor

    Pro Tip #40 is important for any golfer trying to improve while on a tight schedule -- 20 minutes of golf drills and intentional practice is remarkably more effective than an hour of racing through golf balls on the range. See how a SkyTrak launch monitor can greatly improve your golf game.

    1. SkyTrak Launch Monitors Help You Structure Your Golf Practice

    It can be difficult to be disciplined on the range, going based on how the club feels and not really looking for or incorporating any feedback. The SkyTrak launch monitor not only gives you a structured practice, but it can also ignite your competitive spirit. Whether it’s target practice or challenging games, you can compete against yourself or your friends and have fun on the driving range, all while improving your game.

    Bonus Pro Tip: Check out these fun chipping games you can play with your buddies, because as fun as launch monitors are, you can’t forget about your short game!

    2. SkyTrak Launch Monitors Keep Golf Fun

    Multiplayer games on the SkyTrak launch monitor include long drive and closest to the pin contests. But you can also set up a target practice based on your own range distances and your schedule. What a great way to improve your iron accuracy!

    3. Get Instant Swing Feedback With SkyTrak

    Speaking of accuracy, with all the data points SkyGolf’s SkyTrak launch monitor provides, you’ll be able to learn the ins and outs of your swing and make any necessary tweaks. Not only do you get a structured practice, but you get feedback you can immediately incorporate into your next swing.

    4. SkyTrak Allows You to Travel the World From the Comfort of Your Home

    Last but not least, you can have even more fun with your SkyTrak by playing famous courses virtually. The best part is, you can play any course on your screen by hitting shots on the practice range or in your garage -- the launch monitor works everywhere.

    So, grab your SkyTrak and get to work! We promise you’ll have a lot of fun, especially once you see your drives going longer and your irons honing in on the pin, all without spending hours practicing to improve your golf game.